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Friday, November 3, 2017

Proposition  to End the Political Crisis Rocking Southern Cameroon.

Protest in Bamenda, December 2016

The crisis that started last year (October 2016) initially as a Corporatist movement has metamorphosed into a political crisis. The causes of the crisis and the impact it’s having on the people cannot be belabored. It is of utmost important to be sincere and look for a long lasting solution that will address the Root Causes of the crisis. The present situation of southern Cameroon needs urgent action:
  1. Internet shutdown for 93 days before and since September 29th;
  2. Killings of September 22nd and October first;
  3. Arbitrary arrest, Torture, extortion and maiming of Youths;
  4. School shutdown (The start of the university school year in Southern Cameroon postponed to an indefinite date).

Dialogue is primordial to solve and prevent an arms struggle that look more likely now than ever before. Southern Cameroonians are aggrieved and have their backs to the wall.
A. Preconditions for Dialogue:
  1. Unconditional and total release of all arrested;
  2. Offer amnesty to all those on exile to return home for dialogue to begin;
  3.  Justice for those who have been unjustly killed, maimed, rapped and all those missing must be accounted for;
  4. De-militarize Southern Cameroons as a means of confidence building and a return to normalcy;
  5.  The dialogue must take place in the presence of a third party. This is to ensure and guarantee a comprehensive dialogue and to ensure that resolutions arrived at, shall be implemented as agreed.

      B.Solving the Problem:
  1. To ensure and guarantee the respect of our diversity, the constitution of Cameroon Must be revised to the pre 1972 era, which was made up of two equal states in a Federation. This will entail that the name of the country too has and must be changed to Federal Republic of Cameroon. Because as it stands, just the name “Republic of Cameroon” is an indication of Colonization, assimilation and a break in the union. Through this, a Union Treaty must be signed between these two people;
  2. Acknowledge and respect the heritage of the two peoples of Cameroon by granting full autonomy to the people of southern Cameroons to manage and design their educational, legal, social, economic and cultural identity;
  3. A rotational Presidency between the two peoples of Cameroon, in a presidential system made up of a president & vice and in no circumstances should both come from the same side of the divide;
  4. Reduce the presidential term of office to 4 years, renewable once;
  5. Officially apologize to the people of southern Cameroons for animalizing them (Dogs and Rats) and the inhumane treatment and sufferings they have been subjected to for 56 years.

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